What are we up to?

We at Luce are involved in research, teaching, and service related to programming languages and computer science education, in Switzerland and beyond. Find out below what we have been up to.

If you'd like to meet us, come visit us in beautiful Lugano! If you cannot make it to Lugano, you might find us at one of the upcoming events.

Date Event Details
14/11/2024 Koli Calling'24 Talk: Assessing the Understanding of Expressions: A Qualitative Study of Notional-Machine-Based Exam Questions
24/10/2024 SPLASH-E '24 Talk: Judicious: API Documentation for Novices
10/10/2024 SI Seminar by Luca Chiodini Talk: What Does It Mean To Learn?
02/10/2024 Hosting a Delegation from University of Western Bohemia Workshop on Teaching Programming in Schools
02/09/2024 GymInf Verteidigung von Isabella Gall Programmierunterricht mit PyTamaro-Web für vier Klassen am Gymnasium
02/09/2024 GymInf Verteidigung von Christoph Benkler Effektivität von PyTamaro im Python-Unterricht: Auf Stufe Sek II (Gymnasium & FMS), im Vergleich zu Turtle
22/07/2024 PyTamaro Summer Academy 2024 Five-Day Summer Academy at the Software Institute at USI in Lugano
14/06/2024 Tim Bell Visit Talk: Putting the Computation into Computational Thinking via CS Unplugged
12/06/2024 GymInf Verteidigung von Marco Lichtsteiner BioCode: Programmieren lernen mit Biologie
25/05/2024 GymInf Tag Workshop on Teaching Python Programming with PyTamaro in Schools
16/05/2024 SI Seminar by Joey Bevilacqua Talk: Assessing the Understanding of Expressions: A Qualitative Study of Notional-Machine-Based Exam Questions
13/05/2024 WG 2.4 Meeting 69 Talk: Teaching Problem Decomposition with PyTamaro
23/03/2024 SIGCSE '24 PyTamaro Workshop Workshop 404: Decompose Graphics to Compose Programs in Python with PyTamaro
22/03/2024 SIGCSE '24 Poster Using Notional Machines to Automatically Assess Students' Comprehension of Their Own Code
25/01/2024 Meeting at UER MI, HEP Vaud Talks on Scratch Misconceptions, PyTamaro, Expression Tutor
23/01/2024 Meeting at Institut für Medien und Schule, PH Schwyz Discussion on Misconceptions in Block-Based Languages
04/12/2023 Hour of Code 2023 Hour of Code: Program Your Own Castle
14/11/2023 PhD Dissertation Defence of Andrea Adamoli An Agile Concept Inventory Methodology to Accurately and Efficiently Measure Student Programming Language Misconceptions
25/10/2023 SPLASH-E '23 Talk: Teaching Programming with Graphics: Pitfalls and a Solution
05/10/2023 SI Seminar by Agnese Zamboni Talk: Program Your Own Castle - Developing a Self-Guided Tutorial for the Hour of Code
28/09/2023 PhD Dissertation Defence of Igor Moreno Santos Sound Notional Machines
13/09/2023 ECDL Information Day Guest Lecture: Four Principles for Teaching Programming
14/08/2023 PyTamaro Summer Academy 2023 Five-Day Summer Academy at the Software Institute at USI in Lugano
23/06/2023 GymInf Verteidigung von Sergio Mouzo Fehlvorstellungen beim Erlernen von Programmiersprachen – Am Beispiel von Python
19/06/2023 MSDE Defense of Marco Tereh A Typed Expression Parser for Python
19/06/2023 MSDE Defense of Joey Bevilacqua Automated Assessment of Student Understanding of Expressions in Their Own Code
13/03/2023 Luca Chiodini spends a semester at Aalto University SNSF-funded research period at Aalto University
09/03/2023 SI Seminar by Luca Chiodini Talk: Teaching problem decomposition with graphics
12/12/2022 SPLASH-E '22 Talk: Expressions in Java: Essential, Prevalent, Neglected?
09/12/2022 GymInf Verteidigung von Hans Adrian-Schmassmann Lambda-Kalkül für das Gymnasium
02/11/2022 Hasler Workshop on the Research Situation in CS Education Research in Switzerland Workshop Participation
20/10/2022 SI Seminar by Matthias Hauswirth Talk: Pitfalls in Teaching Programming
29/09/2022 SVIA edu-i-day 2022 Organizing the Swiss Highschool Informatics Teacher Association (SVIA) edu-i-day
09/09/2022 Crista Lopes Visit Talk: Exercises in Programming Style
11/08/2022 Martin Henz Visit Meeting about Source Academy, SICP, and Programming Education
07/08/2022 ICER'22 Co-organizing the first hybrid ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research
10/07/2022 WG 2.4 Meeting 66 Talk: 'Correct-by-Construction' Notional Machines
17/06/2022 GymInf Verteidigungen von Dario Biasini und David Eichenberger lernbaum.ch: Programmierung einer webbasierten Unterrichtsplattform
15/06/2022 MSDE Defense of Alessandra Vicini Salesforce extension of the Net Zero Cloud
03/06/2022 GymInf Verteidigungen von Andreas Stoll und Nino Wilkins Adaption von 'Bootstrap:Data Science' in Python für den Schweizer Kontext
13/04/2022 Brown CS Ed Grad Seminar Presentation by Luca Chiodini Talk: The Risks of Ad Hoc Instruments
09/03/2022 WGLD March 2022 Online Meeting Talk: PyTamaro: Teaching Problem Decomposition Using Graphics
19/11/2021 Koli Calling'21 Talk: Wrong Answers for Wrong Reasons: The Risks of Ad Hoc Instruments
05/11/2021 CodeGrade Webinar Talk: Programming Misconceptions
05/11/2021 Formula USI 2021 Co-organizing the "Formula USI" AI-Based Autonomous Car Racing Competition
04/11/2021 SI Seminar by Andrea Gallidabino Talk: Do you understand the code you write? 'I hope the TAs won't look at this!'
28/10/2021 SI Seminar by Igor Moreno Santos Talk: Towards sound notional machines: a Lambda Calculus crash course
20/09/2021 EC-TEL'21 Demo: Conceptual Checks for Programming Teachers
16/08/2021 ICER'21 Co-organizing the 2021 virtual edition of ICER on Clowdr
09/08/2021 GymInf Intensivwoche 2021 Organization of Training Week for Swiss Highschool Informatics Teachers, Teaching of Course "Programmiersprachenkonzepte"
01/07/2021 ITiCSE'21 Talk: A Curated Inventory of Programming Language Misconceptions
07/06/2021 WGLD June 2021 Online Meeting Talk: A Notional Machine for Teaching Expressions
06/05/2021 SI Seminar by Luca Chiodini Talk: A Curated Inventory of Programming Language Misconceptions
03/12/2020 SI Seminar by Matthias Hauswirth Talk: Rainfall and LuCE: The Difficulty of Learning to Program
15/11/2020 SPLASH'20 Doctoral Consortium Co-chairing the Doctoral Symposium
03/08/2020 GymInf Intensivwoche 2020 Organization of Training Week for Swiss Highschool Informatics Teachers, Teaching of Course "Programmiersprachenkonzepte"
23/07/2020 Computer Science in K-12: Book Launch Presenting Chapter on "Operators and Expressions"
15/06/2020 ITiCSE'20 WG 2 Capturing and Characterising Notional Machines
26/02/2020 Mike Barkmin Visit Visitor talk: "Automatic Evaluation of Tasks for Instantaneous Diagnostics in Computer Science Lessons"
18/01/2020 Textbook Writing Retreat Contribute to "Informatik: Programmieren und Robotik" textbook
13/12/2019 Textbook Writing Retreat Contribute to "Informatik: Programmieren und Robotik" textbook
22/11/2019 SIRA 2019 Conference Represent USI at general assembly of Swiss Informatics Research Association
09/11/2019 WGLD November 2019 Nice Meeting Talk: Transfer when learning new languages
25/10/2019 SPLASH-E '19 Talk: Experiences in Bridging from Functional to Object-Oriented Programming
24/10/2019 OOPSLA '19 Talk: Casting about in the Dark: An Empirical Study of Cast Operations in Java Programs
09/09/2019 GymInf Program Committee Meeting Design of GymInf program for future high school informatics teachers
07/07/2019 Dagstuhl Seminar on Notional Machines and Programming Language Semantics in Education Collaborate on initiating projects related to notional machines and programming language misconceptions
19/06/2019 GymInf Program Committee Meeting Design of GymInf program for future high school informatics teachers
04/02/2019 WGLD February 2019 Portland Meeting Talk: Learning to Abstract
14/05/2018 WGLD May 2018 Antwerp Meeting Talk: Misconceptions & PL Design
29/08/2017 WGLD August 2017 Park City Meeting Talk: Abstraction-Free Programming